Bridge structure
Do you know how many types of bridges ?
Sort Defination of Bridge : A structure thats spans horizontally between supports, whose function is to carry vertical loads. The supports must be strong enough to hold the structure up. The supports between span must be strong enough to carry the loads.
Sort Defination of Bridge : A structure thats spans horizontally between supports, whose function is to carry vertical loads. The supports must be strong enough to hold the structure up. The supports between span must be strong enough to carry the loads.
Six basic type
of bridge design :
- The beam.
- The arch.
- The cantilever.
- The suspension.
- The cable-stay.
- The truss.
- The Beam: When a bridge is made up of beams spanning between only two supports, it is called a simply supported beam bridge. If two or more beams are joined rigidly together over supports, the bridge becomes continuous.
2. The arch : The arch bridge carries loads primarily by compression, which exerts on the foundation both vertical and horizontal forces.
Arch foundation must therefore prevent both vertical setting and horizontal sliding. In spite of the more complicated foundation design, the structure itself normally requires less material than a beam bridge of the same span.
3. The cantilever: A beam is said to be cantilevered when it project outward, supported only at one end. A cantilever bridge is generally made With three spans, of which the outer spans are both anchored down at the shore and cantilever out over to be croosed. The
central span rest on the cantilever arms extending from the outer spans.
The cantilever carry thier loads by tension in the upper chords and compression in the lower ones. Inner towers carry those forces by compression to the foundation, and outer towers carry the forces by tension to the far foundations.
4. The suspension : A suspension bridge carries vertical loads through curved cables in tention. One of the oldest engineering forms, suspension bridges were constructed by primitive people using vines for cables and mounting the roadway directly on the cables. The technique of cable spinning for suspension bridges was invented by the French engineer LOUIS VICAT.
Multi-span suspension bridge Demo:|:
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